3 pages in 3 weeks

We learn various of tools which are effictive, powerful, agile to build Web pages from scracth, and learn by practicing. After 3 weeks, attenders should be able to implement most of the Web design in HTML5/CSS3 easily.

What do we learn

Samples to be implemented

  • Week 1: Find an agent

    In the very first week, we will learn how to setup the most modern and effective envrionment first. We use Sublime + Emmet plugin for HTML/CSS code composing, and Compass + SCSS for css, then Guard + LiveReload for quick feedback and enhancement.

    During the workshop, people learn how to implement the mockup from scrath, how to structure the HTML document, how to float element, how to use pesudo elements, etc.

    Also, we highly recommended people work in pairs, then they can learn from each other, and get comfortable when blocked by some details.

  • Week 2: Themes for wordpress

    In this week, we are looking into HTML5 elements, and talked about semantics tags. Later on, we leant new features in CSS3, like transition, gradient and transform.

    After that, we discussed some color related topic like RGBa and HSL/HSLa. Also leant how to choose your own color by just think in the HSL way.

    People from different background are keeping pair and learn stuff from each other, more people are joining, we are running out of talbe.

  • Week 3: Artists

    In week 3, we changed the plan, and get started to do some design work. Attenders are required to design their own Web page, it could be any topic basically.

    And people were showing creative and productive, they worked very hard and effecitvely

    During the workshop, we also learn some basic design princples. We talked about how to use image, how to do basic typograghy, and hierachy.